Illustration of this month;
Koi-nobori, koi = carp and nobori = going up, this is the ornament of May 5th and Children’s day (=boys day, girls day is 3rd March). Big blue fish means father, smaller red one is mother (sometimes green and orange of smallest fish figures children).
Kashiwa-mochi, kashiwa = oak leaf and mochi = rice cake, this is one of traditional Japanese sweets to celebrate and eat on Children’s day.
- 5/2(Sat),2020: Internally:14,544 Worldwide:3,157,207
- 5/3(Sun),2020: Internally:14,839 Worldwide:3,267,184
- 5/4(Mon),2020: Internally:15,057 Worldwide:3,349,786
- 5/5(Tue),2020: Internally:15,231 Worldwide:3,435,894
- 5/6(Wed),2020: Internally:15,354 Worldwide:3,517,345
- 5/7(Thu),2020: Internally:15,463 Worldwide:3,588,773
- 5/8(Fri),2020: Internally:15,547 Worldwide:3,672,238
- 5/9(Sat),2020: Internally:15,628 Worldwide:3,759,967
- 5/10(Sun),2020: Internally:15,747 Worldwide:3,855,788
- 5/11(Mon),2020: Internally:15,798 Worldwide:3,917,366
- 5/12(Tue),2020: Internally:15,874 Worldwide:4,006,257
- 5/13(Wed),2020: Internally:16,024 Worldwide:4,088,848
- 5/14(Thu),2020: Internally:16,079 Worldwide:4,170,424
- 5/15(Fri),2020: Internally:16,193 Worldwide:4,248,389
- 5/16(Sat),2020: Internally:16,237 Worldwide:4,338,658
5/2(Sat),2020: Internally:14,544 Worldwide:3,157,207
[internally] infected: 14,544people (+261people from the day), died: 458people(+26people)
[worldwide] infected: 3,157,207people(+84,762people), died: 224,172people(+6,403people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 4,211people (+230people) recovery rate: 29.0%, worldwide:1,048,754people(+34,259people recovery rate: 33.0%
estimated more than 140,000 suicide if no guarantee but going contract .
One shocking news reported by a professor of Kyoto University. He said “suicide people increase 140,000people during recovery of corona virus (around 20years)” He also said ” After Lehman shock in 2008, suicide people in Japan had been more than 30,000 people per year till several years ago and before it, the number was 20,000people. So jobless rate and suicide number is closely related and corona virus must make around continuous 20yeras disaster, so the sum of these period calculate at least 140,000 (maybe maximum 260,000) people” .
No infected area: Iwate.
5/3(Sun),2020: Internally:14,839 Worldwide:3,267,184
[internally] infected: 14,839people (+290people from the day), died: 492people(+34people)
[worldwide] infected: 3,267,184people(+91,977people), died: 229,971people(+5,799people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 4,385people (+174people) recovery rate: 29.6%, worldwide:1,089,095people(+40,341people recovery rate: 33.3%
Adjusting the postponed date due to expand of corona virus in Japan and will announce officially tomorrow.
It is said to postpone till end of May but the same time, some professionals warn “not to stop corona virus even though constraint of one or two months” . No one now know what is the best answer however most important thing is not to kill economic action, if so, it will make a lot of suicide…
No infected area: Iwate.
5/4(Mon),2020: Internally:15,057 Worldwide:3,349,786
[internally] infected: 15,057people (+200people from the day), died: 510people(+18people)
[worldwide] infected: 3,349,786people(+82,602people), died: 238,628people(+8,657people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 4,496people (+111people) recovery rate: 29.9%, worldwide:1,125,104people(+36,009people recovery rate: 33.6%
Declaration of urgent situation has been going to end of May.
The government also propose “new lifestyle” for all Japanese. E.g.
1) keep social distance (around 2m between each ones)
2) wear mask outgoing, within room, conversation without symptom
3) tele-work and staggered commuting
and so on. Almost all is no longer new but the most important thing is to divide two blocks of Japan as “early release areas” and “not release soon”. So the new declaration will be on 15th May.
No infected area: Iwate.
5/5(Tue),2020: Internally:15,231 Worldwide:3,435,894
[internally] infected: 15,231people (+173people from the day), died: 521people(+11people)
[worldwide] infected: 3,435,894people(+86,108people), died: 239,604people(+976people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 4,587people (+91people) recovery rate: 30.1%, worldwide:1,162,279people(+37,175people recovery rate: 33.8%
Shops are anxious about less of “take-out package”.
Many shops starts to take-out because a lot of people thinks what take-out food is safer than eat at the restaurant about corona virus. An owner at my near Japanese-style bar breathed out a sigh “very appreciated about support by regular customers but nearly equal to zero profit and expectation of same profit needs one year… .
No infected area: Iwate.
5/6(Wed),2020: Internally:15,354 Worldwide:3,517,345
[internally] infected: 15,354people (+122people from the day), died: 543people(+22people)
[worldwide] infected: 3,517,345people(+81,451people), died: 243,401people(+3,797people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 4,918people (+331people) recovery rate: 32.0%, worldwide:1,197,735people(+35,456people recovery rate: 34.1%
Mother’s day? No this year in Japan, Mother’s Month.
Nippon flower council propose “Mother’s Month”. =>see different page!

No infected area: Iwate.
5/7(Thu),2020: Internally:15,463 Worldwide:3,588,773
[internally] infected: 15,463people (+109people from the day), died: 551people(+8people)
[worldwide] infected: 3,588,773people(+71,428people), died: 247,503people(+4,102people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 5,146people (+228people) recovery rate: 33.3%, worldwide:1,242,029people(+44,294people recovery rate: 34.6%
17prefectures will soon release state of emergency.
The definition of “release” is “the prefecture has been no infection about one week continuously. So now the candidate is Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita, Tochigi, Fukui, Mie, Tottori, Okayama, Tokushima, Kagawa, Kochi, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki and Kagoshima. By area:
*Tohoku area: Aomori, Iwate(<-Still now no infected prefecture!), Miyagi, Akita
*Kanto: Tochigi
*Hokuriku: Fukui
*Chubu: Mie
*Chugoku: Tottori
*Kansai: Okayama
*Shikoku(big island, four prefectures): Tokushima, Kagawa, Kochi (Where is the last one, Ehime?)
*Kyusyu(big Western island): Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyaza, Kagoshima
After finishing the limit, how about going these areas? going better? or worser?
No infected area: Iwate.
5/8(Fri),2020: Internally:15,547 Worldwide:3,672,238
[internally] infected: 15,547people (+95people from the day), died: 557people(+6people)
[worldwide] infected: 3,672,238people(+83,465people), died: 254,045people(+6,542people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 5,906people (+760people) recovery rate: 38.0%, worldwide:1,282,715people(+40,686people recovery rate: 34.9%
Amabie has improved? Why Japanese make easily kawaii-character?
What’s this? So, Check “kawaii corner” She is a saver of infected world???

No infected area: Iwate
5/9(Sat),2020: Internally:15,628 Worldwide:3,759,967
[internally] infected: 15,628people (+81people from the day), died: 601people(+44people)
[worldwide] infected: 3,759,967people(+87,729people), died: 259,474people(+5,429people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 5,906people (+760people) recovery rate: 38.0%, worldwide:1,311,291people(+28,576people recovery rate: 34.9%
Amabie finally introduce “social distance” by herself !!
What’s this? So, Check “kawaii corner” She is a saver of infected world, really???

No infected area: Iwate
5/10(Sun),2020: Internally:15,747 Worldwide:3,855,788
[internally] infected: 15,747people (+98people from the day), died: 613people(+13people)
[worldwide] infected: 3,855,788people(+95,845people), died: 265,862people(+6,388people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 8,127people (+627people) recovery rate: 51.6%, worldwide:1,363,824people(+52,533people recovery rate: 35.4%
Dinamically recover! probably, the government says something in back…
Today the rate of recovery is suddenly up to around 52% and compared to 38% yesterday, it seems something… e.g. now light infected people stays at designated hotel or at home. So probably currently the government orders each prefecture to gain these people and reduce the number…
No infected area: Iwate
5/11(Mon),2020: Internally:15,798 Worldwide:3,917,366
[internally] infected: 15,798people (+70people from the day), died: 621people(+8people)
[worldwide] infected: 3,917,366people(+61,578people), died: 274,361people(+8,499people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 8,531people (+238people) recovery rate: 54.0%, worldwide:1,408,711people(+44,887people recovery rate: 36.0%
Washing hands and gargling…. Where our Amabie goes on ???
Check “kawaii corner” and see consideration about her aim.
No infected area: Iwate
5/12(Tue),2020: Internally:15,874 Worldwide:4,006,257
[internally] infected: 15,874people (+50people from the day), died: 643people(+22people)
[worldwide] infected: 4,006,257people(+88,891people), died: 278,892people(+4,531people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 8,920people (+389people) recovery rate: 56.2%, worldwide:1,455,731people(+47,020people recovery rate: 36.3%
The government finally decide which prefecture will release on May 14th.
It’s said that without Tokyo and Osaka, they are released after tomorrow.
Osaka has original “Osaka model” and it has three indexes. If the area pass the index over continual seven days, they would release partly (not open the detail of “partly”)
Anyway, now the good mood is surrounding us, we have hope!
No infected area: Iwate
5/13(Wed),2020: Internally:16,024 Worldwide:4,088,848
[internally] infected: 16,024people (+80people from the day), died: 668people(+25people)
[worldwide] infected: 4,088,848people(+82,591people), died: 283,153people(+4,261people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 9,868people (+948people) recovery rate: 61.6%, worldwide:1,493,091people(+37,360people recovery rate: 36.5%
28-year-old of Sumo wrestler was dead because of coronavirus.
This is the most shocking info today. Unfortunately he is not famous as not rank at the to p stage but he is young and he couldn’t go to the hospital for a long time because bed is up to full. So guess hospital think he must be OK because he was young.
Probably tomorrow the announcement will release to finish “declaration of urgent situation” without Tokyo and Osaka. Hope rescue infected people quickly and health-care professionals…
No infected area: Iwate
5/14(Thu),2020: Internally:16,079 Worldwide:4,170,424
[internally] infected: 16,079people (+57people from the day), died: 687people(+19people)
[worldwide] infected: 4,170,424people(+81,576people), died: 287,399people(+4,246people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 10,338people (+470people) recovery rate: 64.3%, worldwide:1,547,294people(+54,203people recovery rate: 37.1%
Panda have an inspection for coronavirus (COVID19).
Currently corona news has decreased and I caught Panda in China and coronavirsu news. See in detail!!

No infected area: Iwate
5/15(Fri),2020: Internally:16,193 Worldwide:4,248,389
[internally] infected: 16,193people (+99people from the day), died: 710people(+23people)
[worldwide] infected: 4,248,389people(+77,965people), died: 294,046people(+6,647people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 10,809people (+471people) recovery rate: 66.8%, worldwide:1,586,257people(+38,963people recovery rate: 37.3%
No infected area: Iwate
5/16(Sat),2020: Internally:16,237 Worldwide:4,338,658
[internally] infected: 16,237people (+52people from the day), died: 725people(+15people)
[worldwide] infected: 4,338,658people(+90,269people), died: 297,119people(+3,073people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 11,153people (+344people) recovery rate: 68.7%, worldwide:1,636,306people(+50,049people recovery rate: 37.7%
No infected area: Iwate