The governor of Tokyo and Osaka announced “Emergency situation going without urgent matters at private time”
- 4/1(Wed),2020: Mr.Yamanaka (Nobelist) opened about coronavirus.
- 4/2(Thu),2020: Worst five prefecture of Japan.No.3: Aichi, No.2: Osaka, No.1 ???
- 4/7(Tue),2020 Internally:3,906 Worldwide:1,206,590
- 4/8(Wed),2020 Internally:4,257 Worldwide:1,275,104
- 4/10(Fri),2020 Internally:5,347 Worldwide:1,430,718
- 4/11(Sat),2020 Internally:6,005 Worldwide:1,515,193
- 4/12(Sun),2020 Internally:6,748 Worldwide:1,604,192
- 4/13(Mon),2020 Internally:7,255 Worldwide:1,689,128
- 4/14(Tue),2020 Internally:7,645 Worldwide:1,765,117
- 4/17(Fri),2020 Internally:9,167 Worldwide:1,982,268
- 4/18(Sat),2020 Internally:9,795 Worldwide:2,064,650
- 4/19(Sun),2020 Internally:10,361 Worldwide:2,149,700
- 4/20(Mon),2020 Internally:10,751 Worldwide:2,230,286
- 4/22(Wed),2020 Internally:11,496 Worldwide:2,385,386
- 4/23(Thu),2020 Internally:11,919 Worldwide:2,458,928
- 4/26(Sun),2020 Internally:13,182 Worldwide:2,706,356
- 4/27(Mon),2020 Internally:13,385 Worldwide:2,706,356
- 4/28(Tue),2020 Internally:13,576 Worldwide:2,878,196
- 4/29(Tue),2020 Internally:13,852 Worldwide:2,954,222
- 4/30(Thu),2020 Internally:14,088 Worldwide:3,018,952
4/1(Wed),2020: Mr.Yamanaka (Nobelist) opened about coronavirus.
[internally] infected: 2,178people (+225people from the day), died: 57people(+1people)
[worldwide] infected: 748,225people(+57,579people), died: 36,342people(+3,297people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 11people
[Recovered] internally: 472people (+48people), worldwide: 176,830people(+13,411people)
Mr.Yamanaka introduces interesting data and comments by specialist. He aimed to make a proposal of “five strategy” to the goverment. This is simple but seem to be effective and hard attack to economics. He wrote to add info two times a day for a while. So I’m looking forward to see his comments.
No infected area: Tottori, Shimane, Iwate.
4/2(Thu),2020: Worst five prefecture of Japan.No.3: Aichi, No.2: Osaka, No.1 ???
[internally] infected: 2,381people (+203people from the day), died: 60people(+3people)
[worldwide] infected: 820,736people(+72,511people), died: 40,534people(+4,192people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 11people
[Recovered] internally: 505people (+33people), worldwide: 191,956people(+15,126people)
No.1 is definitely Tokyo.
As you guess, that is related to three-most populated prefectures. Paradoxically, no infected is less population or car commuter(to say more about Iwate, this has the biggest land of Japan) and so on.
Many shops has been suffering, especially bar, Karaoke, restaurant. Today’s news broadcasted “the market of take-out is bigger and bigger. One company has new customer twice as high compared to same month of last year”
No infected prefecture: Tottori, Shimane, Iwate.
4/7(Tue),2020 Internally:3,906 Worldwide:1,206,590
[internally] infected: 3,906people (+252people from the day), died: 80people(+7people)
[worldwide] infected: 1,206,590people(+76,815people), died: 67,510people(+4,807people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 11people
[Recovered] internally: 622people (+30people), worldwide:274,689people(+17,234people)
“State of emergency” declared by the prime minister Mr.Abe
Yesterday early evening, Mr.Abe announced to declare “state of emergency” tomorrow.
(Including me, a lot of Japanese thought “is it needed this announcement as previous notice? Governor of Tokyo, Osaka and Tokyo Medical Association and others seriously requested to do so for several days before???)
So the announcement is accepted as normal but disappointed us about vague guarantee and vague& less support plan of “Go To Travel (named by goverment)”.
First, it’s said that all we will take some cash as 100,000-300,000yen (140yen=1$), so it seems to be a great help, however now it’s decided “not to all, less of last year’s salary at these months”. One politician said “no one soon understand I’m the person or not”.
“Go To Travel” now announces “support of half travel fee after finishing corona virus”.
Who knows when finishing corona virus???
So these vague plans no supports us…
No infected prefecture: Tottori, Shimane, Iwate.
4/8(Wed),2020 Internally:4,257 Worldwide:1,275,104
[internally] infected: 4,275people (+351people from the day), died: 81people(+1people)
[worldwide] infected: 1,275,104people(+68,514people), died: 72,523people(+5,013people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 11people
[Recovered] internally: 632people (+10people), worldwide:297,401people(+22,712people)
First day after the declaration, the maximum number of infected people,
what’s the good day!!
After the declaration, surface of Japan is no different from any other day however in reality people are still slightly disappointed.
One has to go to the office, one has to close the shops because of less customers or something related by peer (same nation) pressure.
I was surprised to see the TV program what focuses on co-workers with family who work at the infected hospital. They sometimes are refused to attend the entrance ceremony for children because of transmitting to other children and family.
The doctors and nurses and other workers at hospital have dedicated to help patients, so this seems be the mirror of mind; intolerance, surrounding by negative info via internet…
No infected prefecture: Tottori, Shimane, Iwate.
4/10(Fri),2020 Internally:5,347 Worldwide:1,430,718
[internally] infected: 5,347people (+579people from the day), died: 88people(+3people)
[worldwide] infected: 1,430,718people(+82,326people), died: 85,426people(+6,283people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 12people
[Recovered] internally: 714people (+29people), worldwide:349,950people(+33,336people)
Shimane was dropped of no infected prefecture!
First report “teenaged girl has been infected lives in Shimane”. Second report “her mother also”.
The interesting thing, they came to Osaka during three-day weekend on March while no going out without urgent matter by media and governor.
Recently people have been wary about going out/ drinking and other situation closely meeting with others. So hope two weeks from now is better, (best is less than 100 new infected people, better is half of now as around 200?).
No infected prefecture: Tottori, Iwate.
4/11(Sat),2020 Internally:6,005 Worldwide:1,515,193
[internally] infected: 6,005people (+658people from the day), died: 94people(+6people)
[worldwide] infected: 1,515,193people(+84,475people), died: 92,699people(+7,273people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 12people
[Recovered] internally: 762people (+48people), worldwide:374,798people(+24,848people)
Tottori was dropped of no infected prefecture!
Last is only Iwate prefecture at the north part of Japan where was devastated by 3.11 big earthquake.
Today, one of the famous temple as world heritage announced “not to come here during corona virus” and closed the parking space.
The same thing happens in Kamakura in Kanagawa prefecture near Tokyo. The residents are worried about a lot of car with number plate of different prefecutres.
No infected prefecture: Iwate.
4/12(Sun),2020 Internally:6,748 Worldwide:1,604,192
[internally] infected: 6,748people (+743people from the day), died: 98people(+4people)
[worldwide] infected: 1,604,192people(+88,999people), died: 99,585people(+6,886people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 12people
[Recovered] internally: 762people (+48people), worldwide:400,889people(+26,091people)
Why is Iwate still no infected people?
Shimane and Tottori was gone, now some reports talk about the reason of “zero” infected people in Iwate.
Point1:Big land and less people with steady
Iwate has second biggest land in Japan(first is definitely Hokkaido) and normally people use car(or bus) for moving and commuting. So basically less people, in addition less timing to touch infected place like infected hanging strap and button of elevator.
Point2:Less abroad tourists
In Japan, starting with corona virus was closely related to Chinese. (e.g. as Tokyo, a taxi driver took four chinese tourists and Okinawa is also) These area has a airport what direct flight to China however Iwate basically has less Chinese tourists and no direct flight.
Point3:Less check up
Only around 130 case was checked up in Iwate. No body knows less number depends on less requested people or something pressure not to take the test… (As it happens, one related person to Saitawa prefecture told “not many tests because of avoiding collapse of medical front)
No infected prefecture: Iwate.
4/13(Mon),2020 Internally:7,255 Worldwide:1,689,128
[internally] infected: 7,255people (+530people from the day), died: 102people(+4people)
[worldwide] infected: 1,689,128people(+84,936people), died: 105,843people(+6,258people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 12people
[Recovered] internally: 799people (+15people), worldwide:420,094people(+19,205people)
When clear the declaration of urgent situation in Japan?
The prime minister, Mr.Abe said “till May 6th”.
However the population of infected people has increased, at least the better thing in pessimistic situation the ratio of going out downtown as Ikebukuro, Shinjyuku, Umeda(Osaka) has downed around 70 – 80% before the declaration.
In Japan, we have three big chance to go travel including abroad, New Year holiday(end of Dec to beginning of Jan) and Golden Week(beginning of May), Obon(middle of August).
So all people are postponed their travel plan to Obon. This is so serious case, especially to the tour industry.
No infected prefecture: Iwate.
4/14(Tue),2020 Internally:7,645 Worldwide:1,765,117
[internally] infected: 7,645people (+315people from the day), died: 109people(+7people)
[worldwide] infected: 1,765,117people(+75,989people), died: 111,538people(+5,695people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 12people
[Recovered] internally: 853people (+54people), worldwide:446,650people(+26,556people)
Terrible Tuesday. Tomorrow is lesser or worser?
The number of infected people is lesser than yesterday. This is good news, really good news.
However all Japanese know Tuesday of two weeks in row is the lower than yesterday because this day of week reports mainly inspection on Sunday what day almost clinic is closed. So less inspection is effected on the less report of Tuesday.
How about tomorrow???
No infected prefecture: Iwate.
4/17(Fri),2020 Internally:9,167 Worldwide:1,982,268
[internally] infected: 9,167people (+503people from the day), died: 148people(+12people)
[worldwide] infected: 1,982,268people(+76,164people), died: 130,737people(+7,858people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 1,012people (+77people), worldwide:539,956people(+30,962people)
100,000yen for all citizen of Japan and two masks for all address in Japan.
The safeguard plan of corona virus(COVID-19) has changed several time and finally Mr.Abe announced 100,000yen for all but the same time, it means one idea as support for owner of small business as 300,000yen has gone…
Abe-no-mask(that is lined to Abenomix) has now started to deliver from Tokyo and will finish by mid of May.
No infected prefecture: Iwate.
4/18(Sat),2020 Internally:9,795 Worldwide:2,064,650
[internally] infected: 9,795people (+557people from the day), died: 154people(+6people)
[worldwide] infected: 2,064,650people(+82,382people), died: 139,217people(+8,480people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 1,069people (+58people), worldwide:566,764people(+26,808people)
-80% of moving is linked to the hope of early closing (within one month), -70% means late closing (around one year).
Recently in Japan, Yahoo! or some mobile company and others report the decrease of moving population. The summary of report is below:
point 1:yes, decline. but below -80% level like -76%, -67% and so on
point 2:worse thing is moving population in office town like Shinbashi, Shinjyuku, Umeda is upper than holiday that means businessmen works usually
Under declaration of urgent time, so people try to “stay at home” however now the announcement will finish till 6th May (end of Golden week as Japanese long holidays).
So again the declaration for postpone or not?
No infected prefecture: Iwate.
4/19(Sun),2020 Internally:10,361 Worldwide:2,149,700
[internally] infected: 10,361people (+566people from the day), died: 161people(+7people)
[worldwide] infected: 2,149,700people(+85,050people), died: 145,921people(+6,704people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 1,069people (+58people), worldwide:590,606people(+23,842people)
Macdonald will soon close to eat inside of the store temporary over 1,700shops in 13 prefectures.
Now people try not to go to business areas or downtown however some reports about a lot of people rushing in local shopping area or fast food shops.
So the infected person has been increasing everyday, now that “Giant” of fast food decide to close the shops without take-out or drive-through.
This is definitely good conclusion, it must be a matter of times customers to be infected at the Macdonald shops (secretly confession, I’m so missed Mac…)
No infected prefecture: Iwate.
4/20(Mon),2020 Internally:10,751 Worldwide:2,230,286
[internally] infected: 10,751people (+361people from the day), died: 171people(+9people)
[worldwide] infected: 2,230,286people(+80,586people), died: 152,377people(+6,456people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 1,239people (+80people) recovery rate: 11.5%, worldwide:590,606people(+23,842people recovery rate: 27.4%
People were reported because of enjoying BBQ at the big park under emergency situation in Iwate prefecture.
This news makes me interesting;
point 1) based on my experience, 10years ago not so many Japanese enjoy BBQ (probably). At least, 20-year-ago or 30-year-ago culture of this entertainment didn’t root.
point 2) TV news shows cherry tress in full bloom, so I understand their feelings well.
point 3) This park always permits to enjoy BBQ but this year is unusual so as not to spread COVID-19. So maybe they hadn’t known and came there and knew,,,,tried to do ?
Now some TV news shows “fatigue of corona virus” and wors than it, the number of infected people has been declined. So Japanese thinks it’s better and better without only me go out…?
No infected prefecture: Iwate.
4/22(Wed),2020 Internally:11,496 Worldwide:2,385,386
[internally] infected: 11,496people (+371people from the day), died: 277people(+17people)
[worldwide] infected: 2,385,386people(+82,228people), died: 162,757people(+5,094people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 2,040people (+68people) recovery rate: 17.7%, worldwide:677,865people(+34,569people recovery rate: 28.4%
The infected man was dead who stayed at home because of assuming “mild” patient in Saitama prefecture.
He was only 50s and no basic disease.
Based on report, within Saitama prefecture 370people of “mild” patient are staying at home in case of less bed in hospital these are open for the case of severe ones.
No infected prefecture: Iwate.
4/23(Thu),2020 Internally:11,919 Worldwide:2,458,928
[internally] infected: 11,919people (+422people from the day), died: 287people(+10people)
[worldwide] infected: 2,458,928people(+73,542people), died: 168,716people(+5,959people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 2,408people (+70people) recovery rate: 20.2%, worldwide:707,050people(+29,185people recovery rate: 28.8%
Recovery rate is over 20%!! “crowded” game is now underground boom..=).
Today one famous actress and host of TV program passed away because of corona virus at 63-year-old.
Under this black situation, recovery rate has grown up is only one good news, hope over 30%, 40% and up, up, up!!
“crowded” game is a lady who seems to be Ms.Koike as the governor of Tokyo go on and call people “crowded!”. It is said that one guy who looks like Mr.Abe as the prime minister of Japan gives mask to Ms.Koike. This is satiric of current action decided by government what all people can accept textile mask of two set (the all fee of mask and distribution is said around 44billion yen!!)
No infected prefecture: Iwate.
4/26(Sun),2020 Internally:13,182 Worldwide:2,706,356
[internally] infected: 13,182people (+349people from the day), died: 348people(+14people)
[worldwide] infected: 2,706,356people(+93,135people), died: 187,358people(+5,750people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 2,815people (+153people) recovery rate: 21.3%, worldwide:813,910people(+34,667people recovery rate: 30.0%
Less than 100 infected people at a day is in Tokyo, breaking record through 12days-in-row.
Also not over 400 through Japan, it is for the first time in 3days. Now Golden Week (holidays in May) has started but customers of bullet train from Tokyo to other west cities like Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka is under 10% (usual year, over 100%!!). So now many people keeps “STAY HOME”!
No infected prefecture: Iwate.
4/27(Mon),2020 Internally:13,385 Worldwide:2,706,356
[internally] infected: 13,385people (+201people from the day), died: 351people(+3people)
[worldwide] infected: 2,804,796people(+84,899people), died: 193,710people(+6,005people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 2,905people (+90people) recovery rate: 21.7%, worldwide:863,464people(+47,253people recovery rate: 30.8%
Do you know Amabie?
Check “kawaii corner” She is a saver of infected world???
No infected prefecture: Iwate.
4/28(Tue),2020 Internally:13,576 Worldwide:2,878,196
[internally] infected: 13,576people (+184people from the day), died: 376people(+25people)
[worldwide] infected: 2,878,196people(+73,400people), died: 198,668people(+4,958people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 3,187people (+282people) recovery rate: 23.5%, worldwide:892,599people(+29,135people recovery rate: 31.0%
65,000 people will go to Okinawa in Golden Week from end of Apirl to beginning of May? how about compare to last year? real number?
Currently every day and every minutes, TV and internet news reports corona virus(COVID19) however latest info something makes misunderstanding or misleading nubmer, for instance, the number of going to Okinawa is reported by Okinawa governor.
Governor told “over 65,000people will come to Okinawa by airplane(airplane is only one way to there). Please not come now, later after corona virus”.
I feel something different because now from Japanese government and including no-named people say and keep “Stay Home”, so modest and polite Japanese go there for fun or travel…?
Today next news came;
1) number of last year is huge and 60,000people is down 85% compared to last year. (morning news)
2) air carrier checked the number again and avoided the undergoing cancellation, therefore only 15,000people.
So now people easily understands something authentic-looking info but the most important thing compares to others (e.g. last year, other cities, last season).
Try to keep the fair eye!
No infected prefecture: Iwate.
4/29(Tue),2020 Internally:13,852 Worldwide:2,954,222
[internally] infected: 13,852people (+275people from the day), died: 389people(+13people)
[worldwide] infected: 2,954,222people(+76,026people), died: 202,597people(+3,929people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 3,374people (+187people) recovery rate: 24.4%, worldwide:925,730people(+33,131people recovery rate: 31.3%
Extend “Emergency Situation” till end of May or not?
Japan has been under declaration of “Emergency Situation” and it was said first till 6th of May (end of Golden Week) however currently the voice of against current dead end has grown and grown. The prime minister, Mr.Abe said “decision during Golden Week”. So what happens?
No infected prefecture: Iwate.
4/30(Thu),2020 Internally:14,088 Worldwide:3,018,952
[internally] infected: 14,088people (+216people from the day), died: 415people(+26people)
[worldwide] infected: 3,018,952people(+64,730people), died: 207,973people(+5,376people)
+cruise ship infected: 712people, died: 13people
[Recovered] internally: 3,466people (+92people) recovery rate: 24.6%, worldwide:972,170people(+46,440people recovery rate: 32.2%
Shocked! silver medalist of last Olympic now starts to work at “Uber Eats”.
He is a fencing athlete and this game is surely minor (currently better and better known).
He says he had three sponsors but now nothing because of postponing Olympic game in this summer.
So he posted his idea as a “Uber Eats” driver and some days also shows photo of big bag with “Uber Eats” log up on his instagram.
I’m sure sports and entertainments (some partly) depends on sponsorship and it’s said after corona virus must be disaster as depression, jobless and many homeless…
So when will come real after corona peace&normal world?
Week”. So what happens?
No infected prefecture: Iwate.