Before coronavirus, that means before Jan 2020 in Japan, less Japanese knows “Amabie” who is a monster and tells people “my portrait saves you from epidemic” from ocean and come back to bottom of sea. This myth writes in Edo period, several hundreds year ago.
As I’ve already told you at this site, she must be changed from moster to an icon(what’s icon? only fighting with epidemic? Definitely NO!) The most similar of her original figure is thumbnail image of this article (not so much pretty, honestly). however now it’s dramatically changed!
Example one: Why she wears uniform? What her sort-of-sad face tells us? Why rainbow color of her hair and scaled body? She is cute but I cannot help but respect how wide of Japanese imagination! (She is on a poster of rail way company)

Example two: She is a doughnut including nuts and sweet chocolate. This is also “Amabie” because her price card is written so. Why she is so round shape? Whe she has cute eye, lip and hair? This is also an evidence how free of Japanese imagination!

Unfortunately all for us, coronavirsu will soon not stop. Now in Japan, it’s said “no after corona, with after corona”. This is definitely hard time for us including me but such time, my pastime is to search new “Amabie”!